Friday, May 30, 2008

Arguments from Ignorance

I have been browsing around the web and I still don't get how people can put up statements that amount to -

I don't understand how something happened therefore Goddidit'

Surely this level of mind numbing ignorance should be impossible in a world with so much easy to access information. Unless the subject is very obscure or advanced simple use of a search engine should show you the answer to nearly any question you care to ask, if anything you will get too many theories, to much information.

I wish people would learn to research before venturing dumb ass comments.

Opinion is a fine thing, it promotes discussion and forces people to evaluate their own beliefs. There is no such thing as a stupid question, there are vacuous questions and pointless questions, questions designed to limit rather than expand knowledge, there are loaded questions, but no stupid ones. Stupid answers, however, come by the bucket load

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