The earthquake in Haiti was and continues to be an unmitigated disaster, relief efforts are being hampered by political slowness, thousands in need of aid. However it is bizarre to me that every time another person is pulled from the wreckage of their house somehow god gets the credit.
Apparently the hard working people of the international aid effort is only a side line to the great hand of the almighty. The small fact that if god had wanted to stop this disaster he could have done with a wave of his hand, if you believe this kind of thing, seems to have been forgotten. More the point as everything apparently happens to his design then he caused the damn thing in the first place, hence anyone who survives is a testament to either his incompetence or fickleness.
Neither of these attributes is particularly desirable in a mortal leader let alone an all powerful sky daddy. Consistency and aptitude are what you want, and yet the blatant lack of either of these traits never seems to phase the faithful.
Yet again we see god being credited with the hard work of us mere mortals, sadly often by the very people who should be cursing the very concept of a benign, loving god. I am sorry but if you want to give god credit for rescuing you then please apportion him the blame for dropping you house on you in the first place. Also ask yourself why you are so special that he had to go kill the rest of your family but save you?